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Key Components of Knowledge Management Architecture


In today's business environment, knowledge management plays an important role. Knowledge is the shared knowledge of all the members in an organization like staff, students, customers and other business associates. The key aim of knowledge management is not only to increase the efficiency of an organization, but also to preserve knowledge within the organization and maximize knowledge exchange among the different members. Research has shown that knowledge creation and knowledge utilization are two key factors in the achievement of organizational goals. Knowledge creation comprises creating new knowledge through different processes like research, analysis, testing, gathering and knowledge sharing and knowledge utilization comprises the use of knowledge in delivering solutions and improving quality of service delivery.

Knowledge creation can be achieved through different approaches. One can acquire knowledge by doing work or by training and acquiring knowledge has become a part of our lives. We generally acquire knowledge by working. It is through this process that we achieve competence and the ability to perform on tasks assigned to us. There are many organizations that have knowledge management systems whereby they continuously review the activities of their employees and update the knowledge of these employees. Through this way knowledge creation is facilitated.

Knowledge creation in an organization can be created when knowledge is created. This can occur during planning, teaching or assessing a situation. During this process, it is important for people in the organization to come up with the right ideas and take quick decisions as required. Creating knowledge management systems will help in maintaining knowledge management systems are effective when people in the organization to take the responsibility of sharing and disseminating knowledge.

Knowledge creation in an organization can be promoted by using knowledge management systems. The existing knowledge management systems help in sharing and disseminating knowledge within the organization. When a system is in place, all the people in the organization became aware of the existence of these knowledge management systems. They are aware that there is a procedure involved in the knowledge creation. A procedure is a set sequence of steps that can be followed in order to make knowledge creation. The knowledge creation can be done through a combination of different procedures.

A knowledge management system is effective when there is collaboration between people in an organizational body. This collaboration can be done through a central authority and ordinary members of the organization taking an active part in this knowledge creation. This knowledge creation within the organization should be able to meet the requirements of the organizational task. Knowledge creation within an organization should be done in line with the needs and objectives of the organization. It should be done to increase knowledge improvement in an organization should be encouraged as this will help to develop efficiency in an organization.

Knowledge improvement is a critical process for a firm to survive in the highly competitive market. Effective knowledge management initiatives are therefore needed to enhance the capability of the firm. These knowledge management initiatives are done to develop an overall organizational culture that is capable of surviving in the highly competitive market. When a firm takes knowledge management initiatives, it tries to take care of all the knowledge needs of its employees. This way, the organization gets rid of all the duplicate content.

A firm can be able to do this by developing its knowledge management policies, which should include quality review procedures and quality review metrics. The firm can also develop its own methods of producing knowledge by involving its own team of experts. All the aspects of the knowledge management policy should be carefully thought about and implemented so that the firm's organizational culture becomes knowledge driven and not transactional. All the aspects of the knowledge management initiatives should be carefully considered and the best practices should be encouraged within the organization. These best practices should form the basis of the new knowledge management initiatives started by the firm.

The whole idea behind knowledge management architecture is to provide training and development facilities at the early stage itself so that the new knowledge management infrastructure can be put into effect as and when required. Information technology is always in the process of changing and improving so the knowledge management architecture has to keep pace with technology and the market changes at all times. Information technology is something that needs constant innovation and improvement. It is very important for any firm to understand and incorporate the right knowledge technology and the right knowledge creation processes. This way they can be sure that they get the best value for their money.

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